Monday, December 17, 2007

Week 9: Podcasts, Video & Downloadable audio

Discover YouTube
March of the librarians is hilarious

Videos could be used to record IL courses and library tours.

Sunnyvale PL seems to do a bit with podcasts:
I like the idea of recording programs and especially informational programs like "Advance Care directives." This means people don't have to be at an event in order to benefit from it. The library thus extends its reach.

This - and video creation is a world to be discovered. I'd like to spend more time on it.

eBooks and Audio eBooks
This is another thing I need to spend more time on. Especially technical issues; I often don't know how to respond when a patron asks what type of reader they need or what type of file an ebook is...

Summarize your thoughts about this program on your blog.
Well, that was a whirlwind tour of learning 2.0! I learned some new things with this program. I also want to put in the thought that some of these resources are transitory. The next big 2.0 application may be just around the corner. As librarians seeking to keep learning, I think we need to stay abreast of these tools. And yet, we shouldn't be consumed by them either.

And with that said, I will sign off my 23 things!

Happy holidays

Week 8: Online Applications & Tools

Take a look at some online productivity (word processing, spreadsheet) tools.
I signed up for Zoho. Looks a lot like word. And Google docs. I can especially see a use for students at the library - they can work on their papers here and not have to worry about saving to disc or drive or any of that.

I set up an account and then lost it! darn. I'll find it and re-post once I do.

Week 7: Wikis

The SJCPL wiki is awesome. It really empowers librarians to create their own pages where they may have had more technological hurtles to jump through with old-fashioned web design. I see wikis as a way to take control away from a centralized source and give it to the creators. It seems like with the SJCPL wiki, content is more likely to be current when creators have the ability to update their own subject guides at will.

I've used a wiki personally in two other environments. The first was a staff wiki; this was valuable in that commonly used documents and applications were centralized in one place. The other time I used a wiki was for a library instruction class. The students used pbwiki to create an annotated bibliography for the class. Being able to sign up for RSS notification to see how the wiki was growing was interesting (and overwhelming).

I added my blog to the wiki and did a favorite in books and travel spots. The Wiki was very easy to use; I really like PBWiki. I am curious how posting more complicated things like PDF's and other files might go. I've used another application and found that aspect a bit difficult.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Week 6: Tagging, Folksonomies & Technorati

I use more than any other web 2.0 tool (my page is linked on the sidebar of this blog). It is an excellent resource for organizing web sites and for having your web sites accessible from anywhere. when I was searching for work, I created a library_jobs tag that allowed me to organize my zillion employment sites; it was a lifesaver.

Libraries can utilize this feature in many useful ways - they can organize their web links with and link to their page from the library web site; a page can be readily available on reference desk computers so that librarians can quickly access frequently used web sites; library instructors can gather together useful information literacy sites and give students access to their delicious page. Or what about using delicious for subject guides!

I really am happy to discover the SJlibrary page:

Searching keyword then in Tags then in Blog directory whittled down the results each time. I see this site as very valuable in marketing your blog; if that's something you want to do. Tagging can be a very valuable tool--it's a lot like controlled vocabulary only it isn't at all controlled. Therein lies the problem. The lack of control results in a less clean index and more difficult searching for users. However I do like the idea of writers tagging their own work with the terms they believe to be most relevant. I have a delicious tag called "mindlessfun"-- it's my idea of mindless but fun things to look at and is a completely personal tag.

Thoughts on Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and the future of libraries.
Well, everything in moderation, right?I believe in the idea of changing direction, but paddling upstream just because everyone else is too? That sounds like a recipe for disaster.

I particularly like this idea: "
This librarian recognizes how services might be enhanced by the Read/Write web and how new services might be born in a climate of collaboration." We need to be open, to be creative, and to think as developers think. We need to change in a way that our users want us to change.

Collective Intelligence is an attractive notion too. By involving users, perhaps they will feel more connected to the library.

Week 5: Play Week

Ohh the online image generator is fun! See my holiday greeting: - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

That's my table at home.

Explore any site from the Web 2.0 awards list, play with it and write a blog post about your findings.

I love the ability to share books, share your library, see what others are reading and create community around books. The book suggestions mechanism is just so-so; as is any online mechanism like this. It will never replace human suggestions and interactions.

Roll your own search tool with Rollyo.
I created a search tool for Bay Area Food:

Week 4: RSS & Newsreaders

I set up a bloglines account while a student at SJSU's SLIS. It's great for keeping track of sites. Although I have to admit that it is one of those web 2.0 applications that has not stuck with me. I prefer to have feeds sent direct to my email than to have to log in to bloglines. It feels a lot like yet another place to have to check in with.

One of my favorite library blogs is:
She always has something useful to say (especially about Library 2.0)

I like Librarian in Black too:

Week 3: Photos and Images


I am interested in iTunes University and how the library can create an iTunes space.

Check out this site:

Or Sunnyvale's:

Week 3: Photos and Images

Thing 3:

Flickr and photos!

I already have a Flickr site (one of my very favorite web sites):

I tagged the photos that I took at the Seattle Public Library with the SJ_learning2.0 tag.

The image in this post is of the elevator in the library. Rem Koolhaas designed this futuristic library. I love the mixture of modernism and functionalism.

I used the Montager mashup to get a lovely montage of Death Valley (we're going in December) photo mosaic. I also used the color pickr mashup: how cool is that! I especially loved the white one (very minimalist).

Week 2: Blogging

I already have this Blog set-up so am one step along already!

Registered the Blog

23 Things,Week 1

Read about the Program

I enjoyed the idea of Lifelong Learning pointer 7.5: PLAY. Learning is about discovery, taking chances, and yes, playing.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Notes on Lorcan Dempsey's talk at King Library

Lorcan Dempsey of OCLC, Vice President for Research and Chief Strategist

Date: November 16, 2007, 9:00 am to 10:30 am

Topic: Libraries in the New Network Environment

Lorcan Dempsey highlighted the fact that in the Network Environment “discovery happens elsewhere”—researchers often don’t start their research on the library web site. So libraries must build service around the user’s workflow (we need to go where the users are). Since attention is scare and resources are abundant, we have to compete for attention by taking our services to our users.

Dempsey also discussed people as “entry points” to information as opposed to institutions. Examples are people’s Facebook or Myspace or Delicious or Library Thing pages. What about librarians as entry points?

How do we deliver our network into the integrated local user environment? How do we increase our library’s web presence?

Through: Personal workflow (rss feeds, toolbars, tagging)
Institutional workflow (portals, class management systems)
Network level workflow (search engines, online presence)

Providing better “discovery environments” means integrating the management environment (library web site, ILS) with the user environment.

Users want a search followed by rich navigation like Google Booksearch (citations, maps, related content, context) and Both search environments offer a richer view of the world and information in context. Users like to share, give and receive recommendations, review, and rate items. They are looking for enriched data in a catalog (similar searches, related items, user tagging, etc.).

Discovery Happens Elsewhere:

  • Putting your catalog elsewhere
  • Social networking sites
  • Places links in Wikipedia entries to library special collections
  • Syndicating services (putting them elsewhere): RSS (catalog or subject feeds from it); Portlets; Integrate into course management systems

Providing Better Discovery Environments: (A few ideas)

  • Library presence in Blackboard by class and subject area
  • Library page with suggested links and tag clouds for subjects (see Stanford’s page:
  • King Library Facebook page with services embedded in the profile (catalog, subject guides, reference help, etc.)
  • Library Blog for FAQs or comments

Monday, November 12, 2007

Academic Library 2.0 - Friday November 2, 2007

These notes are meant to summarize the content of the conference: Academic Library 2.0 hosted by the Librarian’s Association of the University of California, Berkeley on November 2, 2007.

Keynote Speaker, Meredith Farkas
Meredith Farkas is the Distance Learning Librarian at Norwich University in Vermont. She was named a Library Journal Mover and Shaker in 2006.

Link to the full set of slides

First, Meredith explored the question: what is library 2.0?
  • Web 1.0 is democratized access to information. The model of Web 1.0 is consumer-based and exclusive.
  • Web 2.0 has democratized participation. In this new web environment, anyone and everyone can contribute to the development of the web.
Revising our 2.0 state of mind:

According to an OCLC survey, use of the social network has gone up while use of catalog has gone down.

Our 2.0 state of mind, as Meredith puts it, should incorporate the following philosophies:
  • Working toward change in order to meet our user’s needs.
  • Radical Trust: trusting our users, their feedback, and their ability to tell us what they want and need in an open forum. Opening up comments on our catalog or web site is an example of radical trust.
  • Getting rid of the culture of perfect (don’t try to create the perfect web 2.0 application). Web 2.0 requires experimentation and being open to trying new applications.
  • Being aware of emerging technologies and opportunities
  • Looking outside of the library world for applications, opportunities, and inspiration (museums, public libraries and institutions, etc.)
The drive toward Library 2.0 is….

About knowing your users
  • Ask students what they value. Don’t just jump on the bandwagon; ask students what they want and need out of library services.
  • An example Farkas gave is using Facebook to have conversations with students about library collections, or to answer their questions. (Example: Bennington College librarian on Facebook). But don’t just create a Facebook account to be where your students are—create a Facebook account to be USEFUL where your students are.
Communicate better with patrons
  • BECOME MORE TRANSPARENT. Reach students at point of need (when students are given an assignment). For example, think about having library presence on a class web site.
  • Set up a blog to have conversations with patrons. This will illustrate that we do care about them and what they think and are willing to discuss their issues in an open forum.
  • Virginia Commonwealth University Suggestion Blog: An example of a library Blog where comments are given and answered in a Blog format
  • Ohio University Business Blog – provides help for specific assignments
  • McMaster University Director Blog – although this is pretty buried on the site, it does allow open conversation
Using 2.0 to highlight collections
  • Use Flickr to highlight historical collections and archival images. NCSU has its photo collections on Flickr
  • University of Alberta has RSS feeds to highlight new books collections – students can sign up to receive alerts when new books for their favorite subject come in.
  • Put links in relevant Wikipedia articles that point back to library collections. This is especially useful for archival/primary collections.
Go where your users are
  • If students aren’t using the library web site but are constantly on Facebook and Myspace, consider creating a library page on these sites.
  • Example: University of Miami on Myspace. On this Myspace library page, you will find links to style guides and an Internet Messaging meebo widget. This is a perfect example of a service point on sites other than the library web site. The look/feel of the library’s Myspace page mirrors the library web site in order to maintain continuity.
  • Norwich University has a library link on its WebCT course pages (this would be akin to integrating the library into SJSU’s Blackboard). This page explains the program
Build participation
  • Let users help build a resources Wiki (in a subject area). This offers a way to collaborate and share knowledge. It also offers an excellent hands-on exercise for library instruction.
  • Allowing social bookmarking – PennTags: “members of the Penn Community can collect and maintain URLs, links to journal articles, and records in Franklin, our online catalog and VCat, our online video catalog.”
  • McMaster Library Experience Wiki: allows comments from students
How do we build Academic Library 2.0 internally?

Develop a learning culture
  • In-house continuing education like PLCMC’s Learning 2.0 Program; a discovery learning program designed to encourage staff to explore new technologies.
Develop a risk tolerant culture
  • Always put something out there, evaluate it, query users, and make changes accordingly.
Collect knowledge internally
  • Such as a Wiki to collect knowledge from reference librarians.
Capitalize on your network
  • Use Facebook as an online rolodex (Farkas has a very active professional Facebook profile). Ask questions of your peers outside your institution.
Be transparent
  • McMaster U “transforming our future”. This Blog discusses the process of transformation to 2.0. It allows staff to give input and celebrates the fact that good ideas can come from anyone and anywhere (like student workers). Have mechanism for feedback from everywhere in the library.
“Use 2.0 to introduce 2.0!”

Nurture talent
  • Appreciate your employee’s talent. Encourage their creativity and ideas.
Have an enabling culture
  • Involve staff in decision making and planning.
Avoid technolust
  • Don’t just do it because it is the technology of the moment. Think about need; think about communicating internally.
Understand staff member’s needs and limitations
  • Understand that employees resist change.
  • Post emails to Wiki to encourage use of it.
  • Not everyone learns through documentation. Some need a training space. Offer help to those who are not comfortable with the technology.
  • TIME: give staff time to embrace the change.
  • Make keeping up a part of people’s job descriptions. Make it a part of one’s job so that they feel the institution values keeping up
Questions to Meredith Farkas:
On having parameters for Myspace, etc. – tread lightly. Do not invade a student’s privacy. Have policies for inappropriate comments. Give careful thought and planning to parameters in this space. Market your Myspace page: like have an Ipod raffle to encourage use of a Myspace page. Have policies of acceptable use (no ads, no off topic posts, no use of profanity). This has a need for moderation on a frequent basis.

Marketing: Web 2.0 offers much in terms of marketing outside of the library and traditional library venues. Getting students to use your Web 2.0 spaces requires aggressive marketing.

Closing Remarks Academic Library 2.0

“The Case for Mutability: Library 2.0 and Implications for Academic Library Staffing, Organization, and Leadership”
James Neal, University Librarian & Vice President for Information Services, Columbia University

Link to presentation

Library 2.0 is all about mutability and fertility
• high levels of productivity
• growing and developing
• joint authority and responsibility
• being actively involved in a matter or event

Library 2.0 embraces
• rapid technology development and deployment
• professional maturation
• library role diversification (doing new things in new ways)
• complex relationships and information flows
• perpetual assessment
• challenges to the PTB (powers that be)
• low tolerance for management by cliché (not building library by cliché) but still making sure that ideas are solid
• boundary erosion (within and outside the library organization)

Hildreth on System Design applies to Library 2.0
• audience suitability (focus on audience)
• metaphorical/vocabulary consistency
• simplicity of design
• ease of navigation
• searching power
• User interface: physical, organization, communication space

Lib 2.0 is the ascendancy of individual and technology
• Decline of deference to authority
• Massively distributed collaboration
• Constant partial attention

Lib 2.0 does pose challenges to our library values:
• Intellectual freedom and privacy (sharing inquiries and information)
• Confidentiality
• Stability/Integrity – providing materials of integrity is what we do. How does this fit with 2.0?

Responding to user expectations - THEY WANT:
• Content
• Access
• Convenience
• New capabilities
• Participation
• Cost reduction
• Individual productivity
• Individual control

Library 2.0 presents opportunities for Marketing the Library:
• Matching capabilities with the needs and wants of the community that we serve
• Existing products to existing markets: Market penetration
• Existing products to new markets: Market extension
• New Products for Existing Markets: PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT
• New Products for New Markets: DIVERSIFICATION

Enhance the student experience with Lib 2.0:
• Technology ubiquity
• Web based services
• Places for experiment and fun
• Privacy space
• Support services
• Information fluency (lifelong skills)
• Post grad access (lifelong skills)

Enhance faculty experience with Lib 2.0:
• Scholarship and research
• Collegiality
• Librarysupport
• Opportunities to experiment with technology

Rethinking library space planning
• Learning/social/collaborative spaces
• Flexibility and adaptability
• Less about physical space more about dynamic/digital space

Organizational preparation for 2.0
• Put in place maverick units and entrepreneurial enterprises in addition to the central planning and resource allocation systems
• Is too much time spent on planning and not on doing?
• “Is there enough communication and collaboration?

Leadership imperatives
• Succession imperative (new blood)
• Strategic imperative (requires new kinds of library leaders – openness to new ideas and new directions)
• Performance and business imperative (quality)

How to make Library 2.0 happen:
• Encouraging people to be creative
• Effective and caring mentorship
• Quality training programs
• Individual development plans
• Less planning more action
• Develop the workforce
• Employment strategies
• Retention strategies
• Leadership development

Closing comments:

It is our job to make quality convenient! Lib 2.0 is not just about Wikis and Blogs – it is about the opening of doors to the production of the web and inviting users to create their own content while all the while tolerating messiness.

People like to connect with others that are open. They want you to be socially aware. Don’t be scared.

There is a sense of chaos in this new future; and yet the things that 2.0 offers us are extraordinary opportunities to establish a new personality and relationship with our users and extending that relationship into new areas, etc.

Raised by Wolves: The New Generation of Feral Professionals In the Academic Library by James Neal:

Academic Library 2.0 Breakout Sessions

While the breakout sessions for the conference had morsels of useful information, by and large they did not meet my expectations. The descriptions of the sessions were slightly misleading and there was less context/big-picture and more "how-to" than I wanted.

Breakout session 1: Collaborative Technology: The Read Write Web

This session focused on Social Bookmarking and The speakers illustrated how to use as a way to organize links and useful web sites.

The Just-In-time Reference application currently under development at UCB was then discussed. "Just-in-time reference is a way to aggregate reference resources for library users and write them to a PBWiki web page for later use." Essentially, this application allows you to save your resources as you are helping a patron and write it to a wiki for later use. Here is the application:

Breakout Session 2: Self Service Reference

This session featured Michael Buckland and others from UCB's School of Information. They were speaking about their design of a system that will empower users to find information on their own.

I'm not sure I can eloquently summarize their work, but essentially they want to be able to build context into information. So if you have an online biography, their system would allow users to link out to a variety of resources from the biography. An example is Wikipedia: within a record you have the option to link out to other sources. This is limited by the fact that you can only link to other Wikipedia entries. The idea is that the UCB design will link to a wealth of online information and resources in a useful and contextual way for researchers.

The speakers highlighted the "Importance of inverting the relationship" – start with who, what, and where and then link to resources:
1. context finder: search from text to reference works
2. context builder: making/retaining notes/linking to reference works
3. context provider: enriching reference works by providing reference links


Hello and welcome to my blog for King Library.

I'll be posting information related to my work at King Library on this site. Please feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions.